

Scene Torrents se inchide

Publicat de RaideN | Etichete: inchidere, scene torrensts, torrent, tracker | Posted on 28 nov. 2009

Inca o victima in comunitatea filesharing. Scenetorrents se va inchide maine. Sa nu le plangem totusi de mila intrucat Romania era banata.

After 4½ years of domination, SceneTorrents has officially announced that they are shutting down for good. In addition to a message posted by ScT staff on their homepage which states that, indeed, ScT will be gone forever as of tomorrow night at 10PM GMT - The latest news/MOTD on their IRC channel confirms this, as well as a mass PM sent out to all 20,000 ScT members. After a short chat with the owner of ScT - Feeling has confirmed that this is not a hoax.
[ScT IRC] News : The End Is Here. (No, it’s not a joke) - Don’t ask why!
[ScT IRC] News : Site Closing - Sunday 29th Nov 2009 10PM GMT. RIP SCT - 25/08/05 - 29/11/09.


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